Welcoming Erik to the team

November 13, 2020

Erik Hellman is a professional pilot with wide experience from the aviation sector, as a commercial pilot and with an extensive training record on several aircraft types. After pilot training in San Diego, USA, Erik has served as first officer on several airacraft types including 737NG, 787, and 777, for different major commercial aviation companies. Due to the Covid-19 situation and its impact on commercial avitation, Erik recently joined GEISTT where his operational experience can immediately contribute in our work within Air Traffic Management (ATM). With his expertise from several major commercial aviation companies, Erik has great knowledge of company procedures as well as cultures, implications, and applications of CRM in both high and low workload situations. Combining knowledge of both theoretical and operational experience, Erik is a valuable resource in the aviation sector, with both the operative experience as well as the knowledge of policy and procedural applications in the commercial aviation sector, and his general understanding of human-system effectiveness under high-stake conditions in a wider perspective speaks for itself.

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