Earlier this week, team members of GEISTT attended WASP Research Arena for Public Safety (WARA-PS) Demo Week 2024 to present and demonstrate a recent project on simulation-based analysis of a policy & play directed mission support system HMI for operator(s) controlling an autonomous, self-synchronising swarm(s) of drones (20+) for surveillance tasks. The project was originally funded by FMV - Försvarets materielverk under the Swedish Armed Forces Military Innovation Program.
The project was powered by drone simulation combined with AI swarm behaviour algorithms and emerging mission support system HMI concepts for operator control and interaction between operator - swarm. All components were connected via Inhumate Suite – a network infrastructure supporting communication between scenario entities and a software toolbox for managing, recording, and analysing scenarios. Exciting interactions with lots of people interested in the project as well as the underlying technology, loads of networking with visitors and other vendors sparking ideas to new initiatives and collaborations, and great discussions in break-out sessions for example around our talk about AI-based landing predictions.
We’ll be back! 🤖