Decision Support Tools for Air Traffic Controllers

November 24, 2021

ToppenSky Together with the Swedish ANSP (Air National Service Provider) LFV, GEISTT the 20th October conducted the final demo from the BKI-project (Beslutsstöd Kurvad Inflygning, Decision Support Tools for Curved Approaches). Within the project GEISTT and operational Air Traffic Controllers have since 2019 conceptualised, developed and user-tested decision support tools that help the controllers with decisions and predictions that allow them to allocate more curved RNP AR approaches to an airport.

RNP AR approaches (Required Navigational Performance Authorization Required) are a relatively new approach procedure type, leading to efficiency increases and environmental gains, but also a higher cognitive load for the controller. A range of concepts was developed in the project and were well received during the user tests. The research and innovation project was funded by Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration, and became another showcase of how targeted fidelity simulation, combined with a solid scientific approach and the expertise of operational end-users is a recipe for successful system development in early phases of complex sociotechnical challenges.

The concept development and user tests were performed remotely, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in a web-based simulation environment called SkyLARC (Light-Weight ATC Research Environment).


Screenshot of the simulated radar ATC operator interface in SkyLARC