Dr. Otto Carlander

Consultant, Otrolica AB

Dr. Otto Carlander has over two decades of experience in the defence and telecom industries, where he has worked as a researcher, product developer, and manager. He has been involved in research on multimodal interfaces (e.g., tactile and 3D-audio), the development and management of interaction products, simulator production, and has held various management positions within IT and advanced defence products. A significant portion of his assignments has been advisory to executive levels, encompassing the management of organizational complexity and promotion of collaboration.

While Otto's primary focus has been on larger corporations, he also actively contributes to academia by facilitating the application of innovative research within an industrial context. This contribution includes serving as a member on various advisory boards. His expertise extends to supporting management teams, with considerable experience as a management consultant. Furthermore, his knowledge in human factors research and change management has enabled him to undertake assignments at a deeper operational level. His current assignments and areas of interest include multimodal information presentation, tactile technology, large-scale innovation systems, integrated learning, change management, and leadership development.

Dr. Carlander’s academic qualifications include a Master of Science in IT with a focus on Human Factors, a BA in Philosophy/Neuropsychology, and a Licentiate followed by a Doctoral degree in Computer Science from Chalmers University of Technology. His doctoral research focused on interaction design, with a specific emphasis on multimodal interfaces. Otto holds certification as a change manager and, in 2018, he founded OTROLICA AB. This consultancy company specializes in offering support to organizations and management teams, whether it be through interim management, leadership development, or leading change initiatives.

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