January 08, 2025
GEISTT has an extensive professional network with whom we collaborate on various efforts from time to time. Our broader human resource pool offers access to a variety of technical and subject matter experts in sectors such as commercial aviation, defence and security, military, finance, medicine, physiology, and management.
At this point we are delighted to announce that Mr. Lars Rappich has chosen to affiliate with our network
November 18, 2024
GEISTT, Inhumate, and Labatus are excited to announce a strategic partnership focused on simulation-based applications and testing. The collaboration aims to establish a new and innovative presence on the simulation and testing market, in Sweden and internationally ...
October 10, 2024
Academic dissemination of results from the SVART IRIS project has started. Last week, Martin Insulander of GEISTT presented a paper from the SVART IRIS project. The paper, Design of HMI Concepts Enhancing Approach Controllers Awareness of Departures by Martin Insulander, Martin Castor, Jonathan Borgvall, Erik Strid, Dieter Tschanz and Lars Rappich was presented at the 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, DASC 2024 in San Diego ...
September 20, 2024
Earlier this week, team members of GEISTT attended WASP Research Arena for Public Safety (WARA-PS) Demo Week 2024 to present and demonstrate a recent project on simulation-based analysis of a policy & play directed mission support system HMI for operator(s) controlling an autonomous, self-synchronising swarm(s) of drones (20+) for surveillance tasks. The project was originally funded by FMV - Försvarets materielverk under the Swedish Armed Forces Military Innovation Program ...
June 24, 2024
In a well attended demo and discussion session, GEISTT recently delivered a concept development project addressing challenges and opportunities of Human-Swarm Interaction. The project was performed under a contract from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, FMV) as a part of the Swedish Armed Forces R&D (FoT) process in the Military Innovation Program (MIP, Militärt Innovationsprogram)
October 09, 2023
With drones of different types being an integral part of the modern battlefield, with one drone typically controlled by one operator, R&D efforts are progressing to questions regarding how one operator can control a swarm of drones with say a minimum of 20-50 drones. This pushes the need to address questions and design decisions on another level of interaction. As a part of the Swedish Armed Forces R&D programme, FoT (Forskning & Teknikutveckling), the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, FMV) has contracted GEISTT to develop a concept demonstrator for human-swarm interaction ...
September 30, 2023
We are delighted to announce that Mr. Kenth Standert is joining the team at GEISTT. Kenth brings over 40 years of experience from Swedish nuclear power plant operations at Ringhals, ranging from serving as an operator in the central control room to different positions addressing analysis, design, delivery, and evaluation of training & education of nuclear plant personnell
May 10, 2023
The SVART IRIS project proudly selected for inclusion on the IVA 100-list!
The list was announced today by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), highlighting projects that are considered prime examples of Sweden-based research that provide practical and important contributions to societal development.
The SVART IRIS project, funded by Trafikverket, focus on methodologies and tools for early phases of R&D and concept development, supported by targeted fidelity simulation, with applied cases from the air traffic control domain
May 03, 2023
GEISTT has an extensive professional network with whom we collaborate on various efforts from time to time. Our broader human resource pool offers access to a variety of technical and subject matter experts in sectors such as commercial aviation, defence and security, military, finance, medicine, physiology, and management.
At this point we are delighted to announce that Mr. Christian Bjursten Carlsson has chosen to affiliate with our network
March 21, 2023
GEISTT has an extensive professional network with whom we collaborate on various efforts from time to time. Our broader human resource pool offers access to a variety of technical and subject matter experts in sectors such as commercial aviation, military, finance, medicine, physiology, and management. At this point we are honoured to announce that Dr. Arne Norlander has chosen to affiliate with our network. Welcome Arne, we look forward to combine our expertise & capabilities with yours in developing our collaboration to the benefit of joint initiatives and clients!
February 15, 2023
Yet again it is interesting to see how GEISTT’s targeted fidelity solutions and rapid prototyping capabilities contribute to academic research and publications. In the HAVOC project (Heavy Autonomous Vehicle Operations Center), conducted by Scania and RISE on an R&D grant (2020-02953) from the Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA), Unity-based simulation capabilities developed and owned by GEISTT, and prototypes developed by GEISTT for Scania, were used in the reported user tests
February 08, 2023
Since a couple of months, GEISTT have the honor of supporting an R&D initiative at Getinge. The purpose of the project is to identify opportunities for supporting the workflow for personnel at intensive care units (ICU). This is a highly specialized profession providing care for critically ill patients requiring monitoring and assessment around the clock ...
February 07, 2023
As a part of the Swedish Armed Forces long-term R&D efforts, GEISTT were recently contracted by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) to investigate the state of the science concerning Human-Swarm Interaction, about how a human operator should control a swarm of partly autonomous platforms (air, land, sea) to solve different types of missions ...
February 03, 2023
The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) has recently set up a framework agreement with four Swedish companies for the delivery of services within the field om Human Factors Integration & Usability (HFI & Användbarhet). GEISTT are happy to be one of the four companies selected ...
June 07, 2022
During a seminar with the project’s reference group from the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters and FMV (Swedish Defence Materiel Administration), GEISTT recently delivered our trend insights to FMV’s Human System Interaction R&D roadmap, with a corresponding white paper, which concluded GEISTT’s deliveries to this R&D effort ...
April 29, 2022
Based on the Unreal physics engine, featured with several additional bespoke components for hardware integration, multiplayer co-simulation capability, scenario and injects management, configuration management, and automated code testing, GEISTT has delivered a first complete driving simulator platform to Scania
April 04, 2022
Together with Swedavia (project lead), LFV, and Novair, GEISTT has started up a new R&D project, funded by Trafikverket (TRV, Swedish Transport Administration) focusing on a methodology supporting accelerated concept development and evaluation, with targeted fidelity simulation as a key ingredient. The project is part of the IRIS-programme (Icke Raka Inflygningar Sverige) that supports the increased use of the environmentally friendly and effective curved RNP AR approaches
January 17, 2022
In the project AIBALAND (AI based predictions of landing sequence) GEISTT used machine learning algorithms to predict landing times and landing sequence for aircraft inbound to an airport. The training dataset was based on air traffic ADS-B type data describing the airspace around Arlanda during 2018-2019, provided by LFV ...
November 24, 2021
Together with the Swedish ANSP (Air National Service Provider) LFV, GEISTT the 20th October conducted the final demo from the BKI-project (Beslutsstöd Kurvad Inflygning, Decision Support Tools for Curved Approaches). Within the project GEISTT and operational Air Traffic Controllers have since 2019 conceptualised, developed and user-tested decision support tools that help the controllers with decisions and predictions that allow them to allocate more curved RNP AR approaches to an airport
November 17, 2021
The airport operation of today is built upon a very complex chain of events that all contribute to every flight operation. All these events are important and must be completed before the flight crew can begin their process of preparing the aircraft for departure. If one of the essential contributors fail or experience delays in their process, the flight may as a consequence be delayed which has a knock-on effect on the whole downstream network, obviously for other departures but also potentially for arrivals due to air/ground traffic congestion ...
November 01, 2021
GEISTT Headquarters are now located at Landsvägen 50 in Sundbyberg - the “little city within the city” just north of Stockholm ...
April 30, 2021
During 2020 and part of 2021, GEISTT has been working together with Scania and VTI
(Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute) on a joint project, called “Multiplayer”, with funding from Vinnova.
The project demonstrator involved connecting 6 different simulators, physically separated by roughly 200 km, together in
a co-simulated virtual environment. Connecting the simulators and exchanging messages were realized using the
GEISTT Lab RTI deployed in the cloud.
November 13, 2020
Erik Hellman is a professional pilot with wide experience from the aviation sector, as a commercial pilot and with an extensive training record on several aircraft types. After pilot training in San Diego, USA, Erik has served as first officer on several airacraft types including 737NG, 787, and 777, for different major commercial aviation companies
November 07, 2020
Epic Games has featured GEISTT and our work at Scania in a recent spotlight blog post, titled
Real-time simulation of new HMI concepts at Scania. It is a result of an interview session
with Jon Friström, our UX Research & Cognitive Design Engineer, and provides a discussion on the business aspects
and technology choices in driver interaction simulation research projects.
October 01, 2020
On a contract from Swedavia, GEISTT is currently participating in a research and innovation project collecting pilots and air traffic controllers’ experiences and opinions regarding the new curved RNP AR (Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required, i.e., approaches with high precision navigation systems and specialized procedures), that are operational at Arlanda airport. Supported by subject matter experts from Novair, LFV and Swedavia, GEISTT manages the design and execution of the data collection in the project through interviews and electronic surveys. GEISTT is happy to engage in this socio-technical project designed to capture attitudes and organizational acceptance of new procedures in a project with important environmental implications. ...
July 04, 2020
Today we are releasing the GEISTT Lab RTI as open source, under the permissive Apache License 2.0. The Lab RTI is a run-time infrastructure primarily for integrating simulators and HMI concept prototypes. Its design goals include minimal complexity, targeted fidelity, and saving time/cost on infrastructure in R&D projects. The intended audience is developers and simulation engineers. ...
June 30, 2020
Today a webinar was held, summarizing findings from 2016-2020 in two research projects called iQ Pilot and iQ Mobility.
The webinar showcases some work GEISTT has done for Scania and features, among a lot of fantastic individuals,
our chief scientist Martin Castor in an interview
May 19, 2020
Human factors experts from GEISTT have during the spring of 2020 together with Scania and RISE participated in a prestudy from the traffic safety competence center SAFER concerning the human factors aspects of remote operations of highly automated vehicles. Through a number of workshops with autonomous driving experts and a state of the art review, a set of research questions and directions for upcoming research projects were identified. ...
April 04, 2020
A couple of weeks back, when the coronavirus outbreak started to affect our daily lives, we at GEISTT joined our friends at Navigraph and the Simmers Without Borders team in contributing to COVID-19 vaccine research by donating computer processing power to the Folding@home distributed computing research project. Simmers Without Borders started as an initiative by some developers at Navigraph ...
March 23, 2020
GEISTT is currently assisting Scania’s driver vehicle interaction group to increase its human in the loop simulation capability. By developing, deploying, and maintaining two simulators of various fidelity, Scania’s driver vehicle interaction group will be able to follow early HMI concepts from the moment they are envisioned
January 07, 2020
During the autumn of 2019 GEISTT has delivered a course/workshop series to FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) regarding the role of the human in autonomous systems ...
August 08, 2019
Following a pre-study that started in the fall of 2018 and finished in the spring 2019,
GEISTT is delivering ATM (Air Traffic Management) / ATC (Air Traffic Control) research
for Swedish agencies
April 03, 2019
We are welcoming three new members of the team: Linus Lindvall, Oskar Wallin and Jon Friström.
They will primarily work on interactive driving simulations.
March 23, 2018
We are very pleased to welcome Erik Markström to GEISTT AB as system developer and UX specialist.
Erik’s work is mainly on web-based Front End development and UX design with information visualization as a speciality.
February 13, 2018
Our team at GEISTT has extensive expertise in the area of competency-based analysis, design, and evaluation of human performance and training, particularly from the military and maritime domains. This has now been further acknowledged by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) ...
November 28, 2017
This year at I/ITSEC, the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, GEISTT are participating in Pitch Technologies Inc. booth. We are demonstrating the use of the Unity game engine together with HLA (High Level Architecture) and web technology for high-availbility, light-weight, distributed simulation in the cloud. ...
October 11, 2017
Earlier today, Volkswagen CEOs and R&D teams were giving presentations on three focus fields for future technologies — automated driving, connected driving and clean driving — to invited visitors and with a live online broadcast. The GEISTT team are excited to see how the simulation capability and virtual control room supporting HMI concept development is included in the presentations ...
September 06, 2017
During the autumn of 2017 experts at GEISTT are supporting the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) with the development of a strategy for increased European entrepreneurship and improved interaction between industry, academia and research institutes. The assignment entails identification of major societal challenges and corresponding potential for innovation. ...
May 30, 2016
May 25, 2016
We are delighted to welcome Martin Insulander to GEISTT AB, in the role as CTO and senior R&D consultant. Martin is a multi-faceted senior solution architect and system developer, with a holistic user-centered perspective. His work experience range from helicopter instructor responsibilities to IT requirements analysis and simulation development for various commercial and military aviation applications ...
April 15, 2016
GEISTT AB are proud to be part of the evolution of Avioniq Awareness Sweden AB, Avioniq, which was founded by a team of experienced fighter pilots from the Swedish Air Force together with experts in computer engineering, sensor fusion, human cognition & behaviour, and decision support systems...
April 02, 2016
We are delighted to be acknowledged by more and more clients and partners in a variety of domains and areas of the world. Recent and ongoing client projects include human-systems integration for air traffic management, simulation and visual analytics of automated transport systems, training evaluation and proficiency assessment of civilian maritime operations, and analysis methods of human performance in nuclear power plant control rooms. Celebrating three years, we are proud to conclude past and ongoing client collaborations not only in Sweden & Scandinavia but also out in Europe as well as Asia, and furthermore the fact that all first-time clients to date have returned to GEISTT for additional projects. ...
April 11, 2014
In support of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration’s, FMV, organizational development to meet new materiel life-cycle responsibilities GEISTT has received a contract to participate in an integrated project team (IPT) at FMV during the spring of 2014. The work of the IPT, named LuftTHF, entails the development of strategic guidance documents and recommendations concerning organizational changes at FMV required to approach human factors and technical interoperability issues at the service branch, e.g. air force, level. Together with FMV’s most senior technical interoperability managers and human factors managers, this is another example where GEISTT provides recommendations and strategic human factors advice at the corporate/organization management level. ...
February 17, 2014
Seeking further scientific evidence to inform supervision decisions, the Swedish Safety Radiation Authority (SSM) recently decided to fund a research project encompassing a literature study and an experiment focused on cognitive effects (e.g. perception, memory, problem solving) of mild, acute (i.e. without acclimatization) hypoxia under normobaric conditions (i.e. sea level barometric pressure)...
October 07, 2013
Aptima Inc and GEISTT AB of Sweden Partner on Human-Centered R&D for US and European Markets. Aptima, Inc. and GEISTT AB announced today that the companies have formed a partnership to offer and develop human-centered services and solutions to the US and European markets, starting with training and performance assessment technologies for military training and operations....